Conscious Sedation

Conscious sedation is the right solution if you have a phobia or fear of the dentist. If fear prevents you from smiling confidently and having healthy, well-maintained teeth, conscious sedation offers a 100% painless and safe experience at the dentist! With our dentists and modern methods, your visit to the dentist will be a pleasant experience. Call us and schedule a free consultation!

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Conscious Sedation
marco dental tourism
What does conscious sedation mean?

What does conscious sedation mean?

Conscious sedation achieves a reduced (sensory) awareness of the patient, i.e. the achievement of a complete feeling of calmness - whereby the patient's verbal contact with the doctor remains fully preserved throughout the duration of the surgical procedure.
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Completely Painless Procedure

In our clinic, the entire surgical part of the procedure - tooth extraction and implant placement, can be performed under conscious sedation, in the presence of an anesthesiologist.
Our anesthesiologist will be available to you throughout the duration of the conscious sedation.

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Additional benefits of conscious sedation

Additional benefits of conscious sedation

Conscious sedation has many benefits, especially if you have a great fear of the dentist.

The patient is completely relaxed, with no feeling of pain.

He is not bothered by the accompanying sounds, nor is he uncomfortable, the urge to vomit and the feeling of nausea are reduced - which is stress avoided, and the feeling of security is certain.

Conscious sedation is a 100% painless and safe medical method, which allows maximum patient comfort during surgical intervention.

Recovery after surgical intervention is accelerated if it was performed under conscious sedation.
Sedation in dentistry - what types are there?

Sedation in dentistry - what types are there?

Mild sedation in dentistry - the best solution in a situation where the patient needs relaxation for a short period of treatment. Indicated for adults, as well as for children from three years of age. A state of pleasant sleepiness is achieved by inhaling oxygen mixed with nitrous oxide. The nose mask, through which the gas passes, is connected to the machine. The doctor can change the ratio of components and dosage, based on the individual characteristics of the patient. Deep sedation in dentistry - the drug is administered by intravenous injection. This technique is better in dealing with intense fear and anxiety. The technique is used in adults and children over 15 years old. The relaxed state lasts longer than with mild sedation. The patient will have to stay in the clinic for a while and not be behind the wheel for the next 8 hours.

Svesna sedacija iskustva - What do our clients say?

Svesna sedacija the service currently has a rating 5.0!

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recenzija za uslugu svesne sedacije

Družimo se već par godina, i bez ove usluge stvari bi sa mojim zubima bile "malo" drugačije. :-) Veliko hvala zaposlenima u Marco Dental-u!

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Marco Dental recenzija

Moj sin je imao veliki strah od odlaska kod zubara, dok nismo došli u Marco Dental. Prvenstveno su zaposleni predivni, a onda je i pre jedne intervencije došla i sedacija na red koja je pomogla da se nadalje oslobodi i konačno i opusti za svaku narednu posetu. Hvala na strpljenju i profesionalnosti!

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Sjajna usluga

Nikad nisam imao lepši "provod" kod zubara. Tim u markovoj dentalnoj klinici mi je bezbolno rešio problem sa par pokvarenih zuba i definitivno sam zauvek našao svog stomatologa u Beogradu.

Get rid of the dental issues and inconveniences.
Increase the quality of life!

Individual approach to every patient and situation.
Quick and easy to a healthy and bright smile!

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Conscious sedation - frequently asked questions

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How much time does concious sedation need to take effect?

Sedation lasts the entire time during the intervention, after which the anesthesiologist wakes you up and you are ready to go home.
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Are there any consequences?

Sedation has no negative effect on the body. The procedure is totally safe for your health.
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Conscious sedation prices?

The price of sedation depends on the type of therapy and its duration. Sedation is optional and not included in the price of the therapy itself.
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