Hollywood Smile

Hollywood Smile is a term used in aesthetic dentistry for a beautiful smile with white, perfectly straight, and proportional teeth. A Hollywood smile is achieved by placing metal-free zirconium crowns over the existing enamel. We will transform your smile, giving you the color and shape of teeth you’ve always wanted! Schedule an online appointment!

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Close-up of a person before and after a Hollywood Smile aesthetic dental service — a dazzling smile transformation
marco dental tourism
What is Hollywood Smile? - What does the Hollywood smile mean?

What is Hollywood Smile? - What does the Hollywood smile mean?

Hollywood smile is an aesthetic dental procedure that completely reforms the physical appearance of all teeth. The Hollywood smile procedure is performed by completely reconstructing the visible part of the tooth by adding metal-free crowns over the current tooth enamel.

The Hollywood smile is straight, snow-white teeth, which are characterized by special beauty and attractiveness. Hollywood smile implies that each of your teeth in the upper and lower jaw is prepared and strengthened with zircon-ceramic crowns. This significantly improves the functionality and aesthetics of your smile!

Hollywood smile in Belgrade

How to get a Hollywood Smile in 3 Steps

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Online Dental Check Up

We offer you the possibility of an online examination and free consultation with our Dr. Bojan, before arriving for the Hollywood smile procedure. With a few simple steps you can get an accurate therapy plan with a fixed price and the best individual solution for your needs.
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Simple appointment scheduling

We value your time, and that's why we're here to provide you with an appointment that best fits your schedule, so you'll be able to come get your unique, Hollywood smile as soon as possible.
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Arrival in Belgrade

Safe and precise, we enable you to travel to our capital. Every step we have previously agreed upon will be followed in detail, without any unpleasant surprises.
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Hollywood smile - why with us?

We offer you a premium service of top quality, with a significant saving of money - at a price as low as 80%compared to surgeries in other areas Europe!

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Hollywood Smile Prices - How Much Does a Hollywood Smile Cost?

Hollywood Smile Prices - Serbia vs. Other Countriesimplanti image
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  2. Germany

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  3. Switzerland

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  4. United States

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View our complete price list

We offer all services that will give you the perfect smile!

The cost of a Hollywood smile with dental tourism in Serbia and Marco Dental Tourism clinic is significantly lower than in other countries! The number of dental procedures, schedules, treatment methods, and consequently, the price, mostly depend on:

  • The initial condition of your teeth
  • The number of crowns required
  • Your dental health
  • The expertise of the dentist

For this reason, the final price of a Hollywood smile can only be determined after a preliminary examination and diagnostic procedures. Based on the results, the dentist will create your individualized treatment plan and outline the steps to achieve perfect teeth. After that, you will receive the final price for your Hollywood smile.

If you want not only beautiful and healthy teeth but also a luxurious smile, visit our clinic. Achieving a true Hollywood smile is more than realistic, and our doctors will help you achieve it.

What is included in the price of a Hollywood smile?

24 Zirconium crowns of highest quality marco dental tourism

24 Zirconium crowns of highest quality

At our dental clinic, you are provided with the best quality materials and only modern technology.

Free Transport From And To The Airport marco dental tourism

Free Transport From And To The Airport

Our professional driver will meet you at the airport upon arrival, and take you to your return flight, quickly, efficiently and safely.

Free hotel accommodation marco dental tourism

Free hotel accommodationstars

Comfortable hotel accommodation will be at your disposal completely free of charge.

Individual approach to each patient marco dental tourism

Individual approach to each patient

Our team of dental designers is maximally focused on fulfilling your every wish and finding the best solution for you and your individual dental needs.

Certificate as a badge of quality marco dental tourism

Certificate as a badge of quality

Our laboratory uses modern technologies - in order to provide you with the best quality of work. With which you receive a certificate as a guarantee of service quality.

check iconTop quality
check iconPerfect smile in just 7 days
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Get rid of the dental issues and inconveniences.
Increase the quality of life!

Individual approach to every patient and situation.
Quick and easy to a healthy and bright smile!

or call us

Our satisfied patients and their beautiful smiles




They assured me that everything will go painlessly, since fear is my greatest enemy. They fulfilled that! I am delighted with my new smile, they achieved the completely natural smile I always wanted.


Hollywood Smile iskustva - What do our clients say?

Hollywood Smile the service currently has a rating 4.9!

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4.9 -
  36 Review
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Imao sam jake zubobolje posledjih dana i tražio sam najboljeg stomatologa u beogradu, naleteo sam na Marco Dental Tourism, koju bih ocenio sa pet zvezdica, pogotovo zbog: povoljnih cena, kvalitetne zubarske usluge i pre svega zubnih implanta i usluge Holivud smajla. Preporučio bih ovu zubnu uslugu svima koji imaju dugoročni problem sa karijesom, gangrenom zuba i slično. Zubi su mi beli kao nikad pre i presrećan sam! Velika pohvala za najbolje zubare u Beogradu i celoj Srbiji!

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Moj Utisak posle tretmana

Cela intervencija je bila savršena! Bezbolno je sve prošlo a zubi izgledaju stvarno prelepo, hvala Marco dental Tourism!

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Bleach 3 Boja Zuba

Kao pacijent moj utisak posle tretmana je odličan. Odabrao sam bleach 3 boju zuba pri odabiru krunica za zube. Rezultat je savršen i blistav osmeh. Hvala!

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Sjajan Osmeh

Iskustvo pacijenta posle terapije: Ja sam apsolutno prezadovoljna potpunim preobražajem izgleda zuba posle tretmana. Volela bih da pohvalim Doktora Bojana Perduva na brižnom i kvalitetnom radu na estetskom izgledu mojih zuba.

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Prvi Pravi Hollywood Smile Centar u Srbiji

Nakon dolaska u Marco Dental Tourism sam se oduševila prijatnom atmosferom i kvalitetnim stomatološkim radovima. Tretman je bio bezbolan i rezultati su savršeni. Moja perspektiva je da je MDT stomatološka ordinavija prvi pravi centar za holywood smile u Srbiji.

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holivud smajl ocena

holivud smajl tretman je bio uspešan. nakon terapije se osećam sjajno.

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Hvala na uslugama. Tretman je bio bez bola, brz, i jeftin u poredjenju sa drzavama poput Nemačke ili Austrije. Pohvala za doktora Bojana Perduva. Hvala.

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Marco Dental Tourism Smile

Cena u Beogradu u ordinaciji Marco Dental Tourism je bolja nego bilo gde u inostranstvu. Kao primer u Novom Sadu je skuplji, čak oko 7000 eura. Tako da bih savetovao svima da urade svoje zube kod Marka jer stvarno nude najbolje cene i najbolji kvalitet.

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Perfect smile - Marco Dental Tourism Stomatološka Ordinacija

Hteo bih da se zahvalim Marco Dental Tourism stomatološkoj ordinacija od srca jer su mi vratili osmeh na lice. Tretman bih preporučio svima koji imaju velike probleme sa zubima poput okrnjenih zuba, karijesa koji nije lečen na pravi način i generalno loše estetike zuba.

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Moje iskustvo nakon procedure je pozitivno. Tim zubara koji radi u Marco Dental Tourism stomatološkoj klinici je profesionalan i brižno se staraju o pacijentima. Hvala i pozdrav iz Makedonije.

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Savršen osmeh je uvek bio moj san, ali visoke cene stomatoloških usluga su me sprečavale da ga ostvarim. Međutim, nakon što sam otkrio Marco Dental Tourism i njihovu uslugu, moj san se ostvario. Usluga je bila izuzetno kvalitetna i efikasna, a tim je bio izuzetno stručan i prijatan. Dobio sam korisne savete o nezi zuba i održavanju lepog osmeha. Usluga je bila mnogo povoljnija u poređenju sa cenama u mojoj zemlji, a kvalitet je bio izuzetan. Preporučujem ovu ordinaciju svima koji žele da dobiju lep osmeh i kvalitetnu stomatološku uslugu.

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Prvoklasna stomatološka usluga

Drugi put sam kod Marco Dental Tourism. Tretman sam dobio kod Doktora Bojana Perduva, čovek je sjajan kao stomatolog a i kao osoba, hvala!

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Sjajan posao

Odlično mi izgledaju zubi nakon tretmana pogotovo estetski, hvala jos jednom na popustu.

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Povoljna cena za savršen osmeh

Cene u Beogradu stvarno variraju puno, radila sam holivud osmeh ovde, i prezadovoljna sam kvalitetom rada, a pre svega povoljnim cenama. Na razliku od na primer Novog Sada ili Niša, cene u Marco Dental Tourism klinici su stvarno mnogo bolje, a sam kvalitet rada je bez greške najbolji. Hvala! Dragana!

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Moje Iskustvo Holivud Osmeh

Moje iskustvo nakon holivud osmeha je odlično. Pozitivno. Hvala veliko na sjajnom radu. Marco Dental Tourism mi je stomatološkim tretmanom pružio prelepe zube.

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Moje Lično Hollywood Smile Iskustvo

Moje iskustvo da li se Hollywood smile isplati jeste pozitivno. Zašto? - Pre svega estetička popravka zuba, zatim zdravstveno stanje zuba je bolje, pa na kraju komplimenti koje sam dobio. Hvala Marco Dental Tourism i Doktoru Bojanu Perduvu sa sjajan posao!

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Beli zubi Hollywood Smile

Nakon operacije holivudskog osmeha se osećam odlično. Marko Dental turizam najbolje radi stomatološki posao u Srbiji.

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Moja ocena za Marco Dental Tourism Hollywood Smile

Nedavno sam posetila stomatološku ordinaciju Marco Dental Tourism kako bih popravila svoje zube i poboljšala izgled osmeha. Izuzetno sam zadovoljna uslugom i stručnošću tima koji je radio na mom zubnom statusu. S obzirom na to da sam sama iz oblasti zdravlja, mogu potvrditi da je tim ove ordinacije izuzetno stručan i pouzdan. Uz to, prednosti i nedostaci Hollywood Smile usluge su mi detaljno objašnjeni i dobila sam korisne savete o održavanju lepog osmeha. Preporučila bih ovu ordinaciju svima koji žele da poboljšaju izgled svojih zuba i dobiju sjajan osmeh.

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Hollywood Smile Review Serbia

Just finished my Hollywood smile at Marco Dental Tourism clinic, the results are fantastic! My teeth are as white as snow! The location of the dental clinic is great, in the center of Belgrade, Serbia - thus you won't have any issue finding it. Along with that, the quality of work outmatches most clinics in the U.S.A. if you ask me. Very much recommended that you try dental tourism in Belgrade.

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Vračar Stomatolog Recenzija

Htela bih da pohvalim pre svega kvalitetan rad na mojim zubima, gde je ljubazna ekipa Marco Dental Tourism ordinacije uz najlepšu negu rešila estetski problem na mojim zubima. Holivudski osmeh i njegova cena su mnogo jeftinije kad se uporede sa inostranstvnom. I na kraju bih htela da pohvalim lokaciju kod Vukovog Spomenika. Hvala jos jednom.

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Sta je holliwood smile

Pitala sam se sta je zapravo holliwood smile, nakon sto sam procitala blog koji je Marco Dental Tourism napisao shvatila sam da je to terapija koja je potrebna mojim zubima za jedan nov, lepsi izgled. Terapija hollivudskog osmeha ne samo da je estetska nego i utiče na vaše mentalno zdravlje, jer lepa estetika lica je nešto čemu svi težimo. Hvala Doktoru Bojanu Perduvu!

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holivudski zubi iskustvo

Sigurno preporučujem Hollywood smile uslugu kod Marco Dental Tourism. Ljudi su stručni i uslužni, a rezultat je izvanredan. Zubi su mi sada savršeno simetrični i bez upale desni.

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Savršen izgled mojih zuba

Nakon rekonstrukcije mog osmeha kroz holivud smajl presrećan sam. Doktor Bojan Perduv, i ekipa dental cross Marco Dental tourism su mi potpuno promenili estetiku licu. Hvala jos jednom.

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Zubar broj jedan u Srbiji

Definitivno najlepše iskustvo sa zubarom. Moji zubi su bleachovani i sad su belji nego ikada

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Holivud smile procedura: Savršena

Hteo bih pohvaliti stomatologa i zubare iz Marcovog Dental Tourisma za kvalitetan rad i negu.

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Hollywood Smile Srbija - Serbia

I came to Belgrade for a vacation and meanwhile though I use Serbia being the Best dental tourism destination in the world. I found Marco Dental Tourism online and made a choice to do the Hollywood smile procedure. I am 100% happy with the results of my bleached white teeth! I recommend their dental clinic to everyone.

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Hollywood Smile Beograd Mišljenje

Moje mišljenje je da uraditi vaš Hollywood Smile u Beogradu je sigurna stvar. Kvalitetna usluga u Marco Dental Tourism stomatološkoj ordinaciji me je uverila u to. Svakome bi preporučio.

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Potpuna transformacija mojih zuba

Moji utisci iz Marco Dental Tourism su savršeni. Bilo da vam trebaju implanti ili bilo koja druga dentalna usluga, kod njih sve može. Dr Bojan postiže hollywood smile bolje nego bilo koja druga stomatološka klinika u Beogradu, Nišu, Novom Sadu i Srbiji generalno.

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Hollywood smile potiče iz Sjedinjenih Američkih, ali Marco Dental Tourism to radi bolje

Znam da hollywood smile potiče iz Sjedinjenih Američkih država, ali ako razmišljate gde da završite vaš Hollywood smile krunice, implante, ili ostale stomatološke usluge, obavite ih kod Marco Dental Tourism. Oni su majstori dentalnog posla i svima savetujem njihovu negu.

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Hollywood Smile cena i kvalitet

Htela bih da pohvalim cenu i kvalitet stomatološkog rada koji je pružen u Marco dental turizam klinici. Apsolutno sam oduševljena a1 bleach bojom zuba i holivudskim osmehom.

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holivud smile bez greške

Nakon holivud smile tretmana u Marco Dental Tourismu dobila sam nove krunice a1 boje posle kojih sam prezadovoljna. Njihovu Stomatološku kliniku odlikuje čista ordinacija, kvalitetan kadar zubara, vredni, mladi i lepi ljudi.

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Savršeni Holliwood smile

Marco Dental Tourism mi je omogućio savršene zube! Moje preporuke idu za njihov tim zubara na vračaru u klinici.

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Best Dentist in Belgrade

Thank you kindly for your service Doctor Bojan and all the staff of Marco Dental Tourism! - You've made my say in Belgrade very pleasurable! This is the best place to get Hollywood smile in the world!

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Hvala Marco Dental Tourizam

Savršena usluga, kvalitetni materijali i preljubazno osoblje. Hvala jos jednom, Boka.

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Najbolji Stomatolog

Skromne preporuke da odradite sve vase zubarske potrebe kod Marka na njegovoj klinici. Mlada ekipa zubara obavlja savrsen posao. Ja sam licno dosao zbog holivudskog osmeha zbog cene nakon gotove operacije mnogo sam zadovoljan rezultatima. hvala jos jednom.

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Najbolji stomatolog u Beogradu

Prvobitno sam došao u Beograd jer mi je moj prijatelj pričao o ovom sjajnom stomatološkom mestu koje se zove Hollivood Smiles, i odlučio sam da nešto obavim dok sam bio ovde. Tako mi je drago što jesam! Rad je bio vrhunski, a osoblje neverovatno. Definitivno bih preporučio ovo mesto svima koji traže odlično stomatološko iskustvo.

What methods are used to achieve a Hollywood smile?

Marco Dental Tourism dental clinic offers various methods to help you achieve a radiant Hollywood smile. Our team of experts will assist you in choosing the best option for you, whether you want a subtle enhancement or a complete transformation of your smile.

  • Dental veneers - thin ceramic shells that are placed on the front surface of the teeth, correcting their shape, color, and size. They are ideal for masking discolorations, minor imperfections, and gaps between teeth.
  • Dental implants - if you are missing one or more teeth, dental implants provide a permanent and aesthetically superior solution, restoring full function and confidence.
  • Zirconia metal-free crowns - made from high-quality zirconia, these dental crowns offer a natural appearance and excellent biocompatibility. They are used to restore teeth that are significantly damaged or have lost their natural structure.
  • Teeth polishing and whitening - professional teeth whitening can significantly lighten the color of your teeth, removing stains and discolorations. Polishing and whitening further enhance the shine and smoothness of your teeth, making your smile even brighter.

Our dental clinic will explain in detail all the advantages and disadvantages of each method, so you can make an informed decision on the best way to achieve your Hollywood smile.

How long does it take to achieve a Hollywood Smile?

After you agree on a therapy plan with our Dr. Bojan, it only takes seven days to
your new smile - and here's how they will look.

First Day

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Arrival at the airport, where our professional driver awaits you. Organized accommodation in a hotel, which is at your disposal completely free of charge. Getting to know the clinic and doctors.

Second Day

After confirmation of the therapy plan using an X-ray, we begin your therapy and the preparation of your teeth for your new smile.

Third to sixth day

Production of crowns with a previous functional and aesthetic arsa where you will be able to choose every detail of your new smile, from the color, shape and size of the teeth.

The seventh day

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Work control and organized departure to the airport (with a pleasant surprise from our side beforehand)

Frequently asked questions about the Hollywood smile

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Am I a candidate for Hollywood smile?

If you are not satisfied with the appearance or functionality of your current smile, or if you lack self-confidence and sincerely want to smile - Hollywood Smile is the right solution for you!
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How long does the Hollywood Smile procedure take?

A total of 7 days in Belgrade are necessary for the complete procedure.
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Is Hollywood Smile a painful procedure?

Be sure that the Hollywood Smile procedure is completely painless. The whole procedure is done under anesthesia, and there is also an option Conscious Sedation, during which you are asleep the whole time.
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The smile you've always wanted in just 7 days.

Schedule a consultation, and Marco will get back to you as soon as possible!

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