Dental Crowns (Tooth Caps)

Dental crowns are prosthetic solutions that restore damaged or weakened teeth, returning their natural function and aesthetics. At Marco Dental Tourism, we provide top-quality crowns made from the best materials, guaranteed to be durable and aesthetically pleasing. Call us and schedule a free consultation and examination!

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Dental Crowns (Tooth Caps)
marco dental tourism
What is a crown on a tooth?

What is a crown on a tooth?

Dental crowns are a revolutionary invention in the world of dentistry!

The crown represents, that is, replaces the outer part of the tooth, the one that is visible and that we chew with. If the tooth breaks or wears out, but its root remains healthy - the crown is placed on the healthy root of the tooth. In case the root has to be extracted, or the patient is toothless - dental implant is placed first, and then a rosary on him.

Types of Dental Crowns

Crowns are classified based on the type of material they are made of. They are divided into metal-ceramic crowns, metal-free crowns, and their subtype - zirconium crowns!
<a href="/en/services/crowns/metalceramic-crowns">Metal-Ceramic Crowns</a>

Metal-Ceramic Crowns

Ceramic crowns or metal-ceramic dental crowns have a titanium structure covered with ceramic. They are most commonly used for teeth under greater pressure, as well as for implantology work.

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<a href="/en/services/crowns/metal-free-crowns">Metal-Free Crowns</a>

Metal-Free Crowns

Metal-free crowns are made entirely of ceramic, providing a natural appearance and excellent biocompatibility. Metal-free crowns are ideal for patients seeking premium aesthetics and who prefer not to have metal in their mouths.

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<a href="/en/services/crowns/metal-free-crowns/zirconium-crowns">Zirconium Crowns</a>

Zirconium Crowns

Zirconium crowns are a type of metal-free crowns known for their exceptional strength, durability, and natural appearance. Zirconium is popular for its resistance to wear and its ability to mimic the natural color of teeth.

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Dental Veneers - why with us?

We offer you a premium service of top quality, with a significant saving of money - at a price as low as 80%compared to surgeries in other areas Europe!

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Tooth Crown Price - How Much Does a Dental Crown Cost?

Complete Dental Crown Pricesimplanti image
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View our complete price list

We offer all services that will give you the perfect smile!

Dental crowns - the price varies depending on the type of material and the complexity of the procedure. At Marco Dental Tourism, we offer top-quality crowns at extremely affordable prices:

  • Metal-Ceramic Crowns: €200
  • Metal-Free and Zirconium Crowns: €250

When it comes to dental crowns, our prices allow you to save up to 80% compared to other countries!

The price of dental crowns at our clinic is significantly lower compared to prices in other European countries, while the quality of service is at the same, if not a higher level, thanks to the expertise and experience of our dentists.

What does the process of placing dental crowns on a healthy tooth look like?

What does the process of placing dental crowns on a healthy tooth look like?

In agreement with the dentist, the patient decides on the shape, color and size of the future crown. Then an impression of the jaw is taken, the worn teeth are ground, and temporary crowns are placed on them until the dentists make the permanent ones. After making the permanent crowns, temporary ones are removed and permanent crowns are placed - which can last, depending on personal dental care, for several decades.

Am I a candidate for Crowns?

If you have healthy teeth, but you are not satisfied with their appearance or color, or one of them is chipped and irregular

If you have healthy teeth, but you are not satisfied with their appearance or color, or one of them is chipped and irregular

marco dental done iconYou are a candidate for this type of therapy
If you are missing one or more teeth and want to improve your smile

If you are missing one or more teeth and want to improve your smile

marco dental done iconYou are a candidate for this type of therapy  
Hollywood Smile you've always dreamed of in just 7 days!

Our satisfied patients and their beautiful smiles




They assured me that everything will go painlessly, since fear is my greatest enemy. They fulfilled that! I am delighted with my new smile, they achieved the completely natural smile I always wanted.


Navlake za zube iskustva - What do our clients say?

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Zubne navlake ili fasete: Šta je bolje na mojim zubima?

Nakon što sam se posavetovao sa stomatologom i pročitao o razlikama između tih opcija, odlučio sam se za prvu opciju. Cene procedura su bile pristupačne, a trajanje je dugotrajno. Beljenje krunice zuba je bio bonus koji sam cenio. Preporučujem svakome da se posavetuje sa stomatologom pre nego što donese odluku. Dr Bojan Perduv je pomogao u mojoj odluci, hvala. Pozdrav Boban.

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Bezmetalne krunice - Najbolja opcija za svakoga

Nakon što sam potražio alternativu za moje krune od metala, odlučio sam da isprobam bezmetalne krunice. Bio sam oduševljen cenom procedura i trajanjem bezmetalne krunice. Beljenje bezmetalne krunice zuba je bio bonus koji sam najviše cenio. Iskustvo ugradnje bezmetalne zubne krunice je bilo bezbolno i brzo. Preporučujem svakome da razmisli o ovom opciji umesto tradicionalnih krunica od metala. Veliko hvala za Marco Dental Turizam i Dr Bojan Perduva.

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Prelep rezultat

Razmišljao sam o fasetama kao opciji za popravak izgleda svojih zuba. Iskustvo sa porcelanskim zubima cena i trajanje su bili odlični, a rezultat je bio prelep. Navlake bez brusenja koje su postavili Doktor Bojan Perduv su bile bezbolne i jednostavne za ugradnju. Preporučujem svakome da razmisli o ovoj opciji za popravak izgleda svojih zuba. Hvala Marco Dental Tourism i Doktoru Bojanu Perduvu.

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Iskustvo Pacijenata

Nakon ugradnje prezadovoljan sam. Bilo da izaberete navlake cene istih neće biti problem jer Marco Dental Tourism nudi najbolje cene krunice i navlaka za zube u Srbiji i Evropi. Vrste i procedura zavise od vaših problema, kod mene nije bio strašan problem pa su standardne porcelanske krunice rešile estetski izgled mojih zuba. Veliko Hvala ekipi stomatologa.

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bez brušenja

Ugradnja navlaka bez brušenja u ovoj stomatološkoj ordinaciji je bilo savršeno. Luminiri i navlake su izuzetnog kvaliteta. Dobio sam sertifikat koji pokazuje gde su nabavljeni, rok trajanja i garanciju. Marco Dental Tourism je najbolja stomatološka ordinacija u Beogradu.

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Najbolja cena za navlake za zube

Kada sam poslao upit za besplatan pregled i upit cenu, dobio sam jasne odgovore. Marco Dental Tourism definitivno nudi najjeftinije opcije. Ne samo sto su najjeftiniji nego i kvalitet rada je bolji od bilo koje stomatoloske ordinacije u kojoj sam bio.

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Recenzija i iskustvo nakon beljenje krunice zuba

Kao žena, izgled mojih zuba mi je veoma važan. Kada sam se suočila sa potrebom da zamenim krunicu, odlučila sam da isprobam beljenje krunice zuba kako bih dobila jednoličan izgled zuba. Iskustvo sa Marco Dental Tourism je bilo izuzetno. Cene procedura su bile pristupačne, a beljenje zuba je dalo odličan rezultat. Preporučujem svima da razmisle o ovoj opciji kada razmišljaju o zameni krune.

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Recenzija: navlake za zube bez brusenja

Voleo bih da pohvalim Marco Dental Tourism za sjajnu uslugu i sjajan kvalitet materijala. Nisu mi brusili zube, i bezbolno su mi postavili navlake na zube.

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Navlake za zube cena

Cena navlake za zube u Marco Dental Tourism Beograd je vrlo pristupacna u odnosu na cenu u Luganu. Stomatoloski tim je vrlo ljubazan i usluzan i tretman ugradnje je bio savrsen. Sve pohvale za Marka i ceo tim!

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A1 Bleach Navlake za Zube

Moj utisak nakon tretmana je odličan. Stomatološka protetika je najboljeg kvaliteta. Marco Dental Tourism pruža najbolje zubarske usluge u Beogradu. Ovim putem bi volela da pohvalim mladu ekipu stomatologa, Bojana Perduva i ostale.

Get rid of the dental issues and inconveniences.
Increase the quality of life!

Individual approach to every patient and situation.
Quick and easy to a healthy and bright smile!

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Dental crowns - frequently asked questions

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What is a dental crown?

A dental crown is a replacement for the visible part of the tooth.
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What material are the crowns that you install made of?

The crowns we use are made of ceramics and zircon ceramics.
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How long do dental crowns last?

With proper maintenance, dental crowns can last over 20 years.
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What is the price of the dental crown?

The price of ceramic crowns is €200, and zircon ceramic crowns is €250 per crown.
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How do you determine the color of dental crowns?

We determine it according to your wishes or adjacent, healthy teeth.
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Where do you get the materials?

The ceramics we use are imported exclusively from Germany and Switzerland.
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Does the process of placing dental covers hurt?

Placing crowns is a 100% painless and safe procedure performed under local anesthesia.
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Does it hurt to remove dental crowns?

The removal, as well as the placement of the crowns, is a completely painless process. You may feel a slight discomfort, but the smile you will get after the treatment will overshadow it.
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What happens if the tooth under the crown hurts?

There is a solution - we treat it through a crown or surgically.
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